Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hello Falmouth Nordic!

Here I am, back again, abusing my posting power, but I wanted to wish you guys good luck to the start of your season. Good luck to the start of your season. It looks like there have been some pretty funky practices (I rollerkied in the snow today, too), but can you really expect anything else from James and Jeff?

For those of you confused right now, I am Jackson, Dana's brother and a Falmouth Nordic alum. Now I ski for Bowdoin College where we, like you, are getting pumped for the racing season and hopefully the coming snow. Also, I know James already mentioned it, but you should really check out the US Women's team this year. They are absolutely rocking it over in Sweden and Finland and I think they are a great inspiration for getting excited to race and training hard in the process. Here's a link to the results of this morning's race.

Don't tire your coaches out too much. I know they can run forever but they are getting old.

Think snow,



middle.professor said...

Action Jackson! We'll be following you too!
- The Ol' ski coach

mucklechumps said...

I cant wait to cheer you on at a college race this season Jackson! Thanks for the inspiring words and hope to see you very soon. James