Fall 2014
Fall 2014
◦ M – Speed & Core
◦ T – Threshold & GS
◦ W – Distance & Core
◦ Th – Specific Strength
◦ F – VO2 (hills early, race pace later) & General Strength & Core
◦ Sat – Distance/OD
◦ Sun - Off
Why: Neuromuscular adaptations – improved economy. Fairly low cost, moderate payoff.
Work: Short sprints (10-40 sec) at faster than race pace. HR is irrelevant – only speed of movement matters. Best on skis/rollerskis. ◦ 12x100m at max speed – 2 min recovery
◦ 2 sets of 8x30 sec at “race pace plus” – 90 sec recovery
◦ Agility workout – slalom, figure-8, games, jumps, etc.
◦ Bounding or jumps on foot – good for building foundation for speed in dryland season
Use terrain where it’s easy to go fast – flats, gradual climbs, slight downhills
Building sustainable speed (“race pace plus”) can be more productive than building max speed.
Why: Peripheral adaptations – raise LT (a more productive & more costly version of distance training)
Work: Medium & long intervals (5+ min) at moderate pace (talk in short bursts without
gasping, 80-90% max HR – comfortably uncomfortable).
Total interval time of 15-60 min.
◦ 4x8 min – 2 min recovery
◦ 1x30 min
◦ 40 min of 2 min on, 30 sec off
Why: Peripheral adaptations in muscles – raise LT Increased ability to tolerate intense training & racing
Work: Long workouts (30 min to 3+ hours -OD) at easy pace (easy to have a conversation - 60-75% max HR)
Run & ski/rollerski are ideal modes, but…..an excellent chance to add variety: hiking,
paddling, cycling, etc.
Why: Increased ability to apply force to poles & skis – improved economy.
Upper body is under-trained in the vast majority of skiers.
Work: Ski-specific movements (usually poling) with increased resistance.
◦ 15-60+ min sustained DP in hilly terrain
◦ 10-15x1 min hill repeats – DP, single stick, no poles
◦ 6x2 min rollerboard
◦ Run/ski walk w/ weight drag
Why: Central adaptations – increased stroke volume of heart – raise VO2max.
High cost, big payoff.
Work: Medium-short intervals (1-5 min) at high effort (talk in single words, 90+% max HR) - 5k
race pace or above. Total interval time 8-20 min.
◦ 4x4 min – equal recovery
◦ 30 min of 30 sec on, 30 sec off – uphill or mixed terrain
◦ Ladder: 1-2-3-3-2-1 w/ equal recovery – mixed terrain
◦ Hills most effective for VO2max building; mixed terrain
is preferable for raising race pace.
We will do these 1-2x per week. We will move toward shorter intervals on mixed terrain during race season to keep speed high.
100 crunches
130 side crunches
90 sec planks: center, left, right
Stretch piriformis, soas. Use foam roller on back, quads, hammies!
Stretch, do Pilates for 30 minutes
100 crunches
130 side crunches
90 sec planks: center, left, right
Stretch piriformis, soas. Use foam roller on back, quads, hammies!
Stretch, do Pilates for 30 minutes
“Champions are made when no one is watching”

Kikkan Randall
2013 Schedule
This will be our weekly plan for the foreseeable future:
Monday: Morning: general strength training
Afternoon: Easy distance
Tuesday: Intervals, speed
Wednesday: Specific strength and/or technique training*
Thursday: Morning: general strength training
Afternoon: Threshold level distance
Friday: Game day
Sat./Sun: One of these days will be an over distance day and the other will be a rest day.
*adjustments will be made when races begin
This plan is always subject to change based on weather, conditions, races schedules, etc,