Race Results

01.24.15: Norway Sprint Results: 
Congrats to the Boys Nordic Team for taking the top four steps of the podium in the Sprint Races.

  • 1st Gabe Mahoney
  • 2nd Iain Kurry
  • 3rd Ethan Cantlin
  • 4th Devin Ventura
  • Simon Pratico and Adam Meyer made it into the 1/4 finals

Congrats to the Girls Nordic Team.

  • Anna Morin for 5th place making it into the Final Heat of the Sprint Races
  • Lucy Mahoney made it into the Semi Finals

Congrats to the Boys in the 3K race

  •  Colin Beliveau for winning the 3K race.
  • Girish Tiwari finished a respectful 13th

Congrats to all student athletes that traveled and raced in Norway on Saturday. You all made Falmouth proud of the Nordic program.
The parents attending really had fun watching the short Sprint format.

Your Hard work is paying off!

Full results can be found here: http://www.mainehighschoolskiing.com/

"Champions are made when no one is watching"

12/20/14:  http://www.mainehighschoolskiing.com/index.php/race-results


1/8/14:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0iOyjkYkikHenpEekY0ZnEwVkFheXV6ak1ZelpvT2NtdEM0/edit?pli=1  (boys)

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0iOyjkYkikHVVNCTEx0RWJuSjAzUzctVjZBMjEtQXFjWWJZ/edit?pli=1  (girls)

1/15/14: http://www.mainehighschoolskiing.com/images/Starks1-15-14.pdf

1/29/14: http://www.coolrunning.com/results/14/me/Jan29_WMCHig_set1.shtml

2/10/14:  WMC championships.  http://www.mainehighschoolskiing.com/images/results2014/WMCC2014-2.pdf

WMC freestyle @ Pineland (Jan 02, 2013)

WMC freestyle @ Cranmore
Black Mountain Classic  girls   boys
Leavitt Hornet Classic @ Black Mountain  girls   boys  team
MLK freestyle @ Stark's Hill
Pineland freestyle sprint  girls   boys
Sassi girls boys
Stark's Hill Skate
WMC Championship Freestyle
WMC Championship Classic