Friday, December 2, 2011

Oxygen debt

Today was our 3rd annual epic hill repeat workout but the 1st time that we've done it during the week and not on an optional saturday. Everyone should be tired and ready for bed by 7PM (or at least those of us over 40)!

The distance was about 0.7 miles per loop. The climb is 0.32 mi with 160 feet elevation gain (about 9.5% grade - Mt. Washington by comparison is 11.5% with remarkably little variation). The elevation profile at the bottom doesn't really do the actual profile justice. Its starts off shallow and just gets steeper and steeper. About 1/2 way through the last field before entering the woods, there is a steep little bump and after that the lungs are toast.

(no I didn't run straight up my 2nd climb. I accidently hit "stop" instead of "lap" so my watch thinks I ran straight up).

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