Sunday, November 27, 2011

1st Week

Welcome back! We will be doing lots of kinds of activities during dryland including running on roads, running on wet, muddy trails, hill bounding, nordic walking/running, and roller skiing. For running expect to get feet wet and muddy, so dress appropriately. Everyone needs to bring running shoes and bounding poles everyday. Ideal bounding poles are older poles that are up to about the bottom of the rib cage, so 10 cm shorter than classic poles. Old poles from middle school or your parents old alpine ski poles are pretty good.

Varsity and some junior varsity skiers will be roller skiing during the next few weeks. New skiers and recreational skiers will be offered some opportunity to try out roller skiing. If you are a competitive skier (a potential scorer for the team, or hope to be in the future), you must bring your roller skis (if you have them), roller ski poles, helmet, boots, and bright shirt, to practice every day. Please go buy roller ski ferrules for your ski poles - do not use your snow baskets! We have roller skis for athletes that do not have them.

Competitive skiers need to learn the training and racing vocabulary including levels of training activity (levels 1-5), what intervals and overdistance are, and the techniques: v1, v2, v2 alternate, free skate, double sticking, striding, double-poling, kick-double-pole, herring-bone. There are links to videos and websites explaining these. Your homework the first week is to memorize all this. We will watch movies at school too!

Click on weekly schedule for what we're doing this week and practice times

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