Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State Team

Girls, in order of start                                  
Anna Morin
Dana Bloch
Ava Demer
Jessica Abramson
London Bernier
Caitlin Bucksbaum
1st Alt Camille Dunwoody
2nd Alt Emily Rioux
Meghan Charest

Emily Rioux
Caitlin Bucksbaum
Dana Bloch
London Bernier
Ava Demer
Camille Dunwoody
1st Alt Jessica Abramson
2nd Alt Anna Morin
Meghan Charest

Boys, in order of start
Scott Lambert
Jay Lesser
Sam Pratico
Gabe Mahoney
Ethan Cantlin
Iain Kurry
1st Alt Noah Beliveau
2nd Alt Devin Ventura
Adam Meyer

Iain Curry
Jay Lesser
Sam Pratico
Gabe Mahoney
Ethan Cantlin
Scott Lambert
1st Alt Devin Ventura
2nd Alt Noah Beliveau
Adam Meyer

Wax Technician- Georgia Babikian

State team members are required to attend all practices* between now and the end of our state meets. That is Wed, Thurs, Fri at Pineland, and Saturday at Black mtn.
You will also be required to ride the bus to and from both days of racing. We are a team and we will stay united.
All Falmouth Nordic team members are encouraged to ride the bus with us to Black Mtn on race days and cheer on the team. Your are also encouraged to come to Pineland with us this week and free ski while the state team does its workout.

*If you're racing an Eastern Cup race you will be excused from practice


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