Sunday, January 6, 2013

This Week In Training, waxing and racing

Monday - skate - ez ski behind school
Tuesday - classic @ pineland
Wednesday - classic race @ twin brook
Thur - skate @ school
Fri - classic intervals or TT (skate if no tracks) @ school
Sat -classic  overdistance @ Jackson NH

Note - when we ski at school, everyone should be skiing on the "track" (the flat field immediately adjacent to parking lot) by 2:45. Start earlier if you want - the more miles you ski the faster you will be! Do not wait for James/Jeff to come into school to say "go ski!"

Start with 2-3 laps without poles, working on your balance.

 A note from James- Tuesday we are going to Pineland to take advantage of the good snow, terrain and grooming. Wednesday is a classic race at Twin Brooks SO waxing is in order for Tuesday evening. Here's the thing- we dont have a permanent or warm place to wax yet. We're working on it but until then our option is to wax in a crowded, unheated shed or outside of the shed. THE PLAN IS - find a family who has waxing capability at their house and wax there. We can provide the glide wax and some scrapers and fiberlene and wax remover. If you absolutely cant find a place to wax your skis (please try) give them to me, james, on tuesday eve and I'll prep them for you. 
We are working hard on finding a permanent, decent place for you to wax. Thanks for hanging in there.
You should wax your glide zones and prep your kick zones with light sandpaper and be ready for a Klister schmear on Wednesday!!

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