Friday, January 18, 2013

Monday (MLK Day) Race

The MLK race is a relay with all WMC schools entering at most two 4-person boy teams and two 4-person girl teams. Additional skiers will race in a mass start (separate boy and girl starts) following the relay. James and I decided to choose our teams randomly. We implemented the modern versions of throwing your names in a hat using an R script.

Falmouth Boys A: Pochepan, Dobbins, Merson, Mayer
Falmouth Boys B: Coughlin, Cantlin, Coxe, Meyer
Falmouth Girls A: Dunwoody, Twombley, Coxe, Charest
Falmouth Girls B: Wright, Cooney, Abramson, Bucksbaum

Boys Alternate: Singh, Kurry, Lambert
Girls Alternate: Connolly, Bloch, Wrobleski

Alternates will ski in the mass start unless they are moved up due to a team member's inability to race.

Schedule (The race is at Starks Hill Fryeburg)
8:15 wheels up. Really.
10:30 Boys Relay
11:35 Girls Relay
12:45 Boys mass start
12:50 Girls mass start

For those who care, and I know some do, I pasted in the R script but blogger thought it was some corrupt HTML code and it destroyed all the beauty of my code. So here it is as a pic

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