Monday, December 24, 2012

tentative plan for Christmas camp

Hi Team. Here's the tentative plan for Christmas Camp. Please note- all plans are subject to change based on the weather, the whims of the coaches, and our parent drivers.

Wednesday. Meet at the school at the scheduled time- I think its 8:30 but check your email from Mrs. Lesser. We will either drive straight to the AMC Lodge and unpack, then go back to Bear Notch (Hopefully not) or we'll go straight to Bear Notch and SKATE SKI. Then head to the lodge for supper. We will have a meeting in our rec room and maybe show some video.

Thursday. Its looking like a storm is brewing for Wednesday night into Thursday. We dont want to drive any more than we have to and Bretton Woods should be getting dumped on so we'll ski there all day on Thursday. Girls- you will be divided into groups and we have a special female coach to help you work on technique. Boys- we're going to divide you up as well and have you work on technique with Coaches Jackson Bloch and Ryan Tartre. Then we'll "free ski" the rest of the time. Free Ski does not mean snowball fights and standing around, it means working on the stuff you learned in dryland and on your clinic.

Be ready to classic on Thursday. Everything depends on snow conditions. We can wax our skis at Bretton Woods.

Friday- More skiing at Bretton Woods. Time Trial.

Saturday- Pack up, and either ski at Bretton Woods or head to Bear Notch. Then go home and sleep.

Check the blog for changes.


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