Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I had mentioned to a few people that i would be having waxing at my house. We only have two profiles (one table) and limited wax. If you have the capability of waxing at your house or a friends, I would suggest that. Also, the praticos are having people over to wax. If you have the potential to score for the team, I would suggest using HF which I can give you. If you don't have access to a table then my house is at 25 Kelley Rd, Off route 1 near mackworth Island. Kelley is on the right if you are driving twoards portland, and my driveway is on the right, near the end, where the road turns to dirt. If you end up coming, try and arrive 6-6:30, no later then 7

If anyone has questions my number is 712-8576

1 comment:

Sam said...

people can show at my house at 730 if they need to wax