Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hey Guys so the general consensus is that we will get this headband.

I'm putting the order in on Saturday. If you didn't put your name on the list at the team dinner and want one either message me on facebook or tell me tomorrow. If you put your name on the list and now don't want one also message me or talk to me tomorrow. They are 8$ and I'd appreciate the money as soon as possible. Shout out to team mvp Emmy who has already payed!

COACH DEMER HERE- If you don't bring in $8 for the headband by Monday's practice, I'd say you probably wont get one. Dont expect Catherine to float the entire team a loan for 8 bucks each. She's cool for putting the order together so be cool back.

Also, there will be strength tomorrow at 7 am even though James can't be there.

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