Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thursday January 5th evening skate race at Cranmore - Optional

Hi Team and parents,

With the lack of snow and cold temps, Jeff and I and the other coaches in our conference have decided to organize a race at Cranmore in North Conway, NH. We have a bus and we'll need to leave by 2:45 at the latest. We probably wont be back to the school until 8:30pm or so.

If you can go, we need to know asap. We need to submit a running  order to the Fryeburg Coach and Jeff and I (or hopefully some parents might be able to help us) need to organize the bibs. We could also use some help timing if you're a parent and you plan on attending.

Please text or email me if you CAN attend- 207-329-2894 or jamesdemer@gmail.com Let me know ASAP!!!

If you CANT, dont worry, its short notice and we'll get you racing soon.


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