Friday, December 9, 2011

Sat 10AM roller ski for veteran skiers

I will be leading a 75-90 minute OD roller ski at level 1 pace tomorrow. This is for skiers who are comfortable roller skiing on the road but can't or don't want to keep up with the faster group. I don't have my school ID, which is the key to the school, so cannot get into the school and so I don't have access to all the skis but I do have several pair in my car. If you need to borrow a pair, please e-mail me to make sure that I have one for you. Also, if your boots or poles are in the school, I cannot get them!

Time 10AM - new time! moved up from 10:30. I want to be back home at 12:15 to watch Abby Leonardi run in the footlocker nationals! - Coach Jeff

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