Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm kind of sad

that our season is over. Its always a joy to end the season surrounded by my favorite young people on the planet and yet knowing that we are all moving on to other adventures makes me misty.

Biggest thrill this year- Watching you square dance at Bretton Woods

Biggest regret- spacing out on jumping in on the girls team photo for a well deserved 2nd place finish at the state meet.

Thoughts for next year- Providing our team with the best coaching we can on the best terrain available to us.

I love you guys and I'm going to miss our seniors a whole bunch. We've had 4 good years. Now go explore the world then come home and tell me all about it. I'll be waiting.


1 comment:

zoƫ.jean said...

Thank you for everything James, we will miss you next year.